The Language Connection, LLC
(425) 277 - 9045

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Sat, Sep 14, 2024 12:41:50 AM (PST)

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Questions and Answers :

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA is all about a Patient/LEP’s private health information, or “PHI”, and protecting it with great care. In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or the HIPAA was endorsed by the U.S. Congress. The HIPAA Privacy Rule, also called the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, provided the first nationally-recognizable regulations for the use/disclosure of an individual's health information. The Language Connection, LLC takes this very seriously. TLC was the first northwest language referral agency to get on board with HIPAA requirements. We have added important HIPAA features to our online system to remind every entity of their federal HIPAA obligations. Such breech of confidentiality can be in sharing an online password, engaging in conversation about a Patient/LEP’s care outside of professional interpreting, taking down an assignment via cell phone in an open clinic lobby or elevator, or leaving documents containing patient names on a counter at home. Click here for more information.

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How secure is my personal information?

All data exchange is encrypted. We recommend changing your password frequently.

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Will I need to download anything?

No, TLC referral is web based and can be accessed via PC, MAC, Linux, etc.

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What sort of telephone equipment do Interpreter Contractors need?

Any cell phone with texting capabilities can receive texts from our system. For interacting with our system, confirming or altering your schedule you will need to either call the office, or access your account online through a computer or mobile internet connection.

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As an interpreter, will I be bombarded with job offers that do not fit my schedule?

You should not experience this. Our system allows you to set and adjust your preferences for available times, the mile radius for your preferred locations, and even block requests from certain locations that you prefer not to frequent. This may be done from your home computer, your mobile internet connection, or by calling our staff for assistance.

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What is the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Interpreters?

For Washington State Court Certified and Registered Interpreters, see the General Rule 11.2 Code of Conduct for Court Interpreters at: 
Pursuant to GR 11.1 AOC certified/registered interpreters found in violation can be decertified. Washington State DSHS Certified and Authorized Interpreters are bound by the Language Interpreter and Translator Code of Professional Conduct pursuant WAC 388-03-050, found at:

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What does LEP mean?

LEP refers to someone who has limited English proficiency. Although someone may speak some English, often times an interpreter is required for more specific medical, legal or social services communication, as mandated by the federal government through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Additionally, when one undergoes surgery they may revert back to their “mother tongue” while under general anesthesia, so an interpreter may be ordered for even someone with relatively good command of English.

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What does Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 refer to with regard to interpreters?

Title VI states that "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." It further indicates that any organization that receives federal funding must make a reasonable effort to provide impartial interpreter services equally to all LEP individuals who are served by that organization.

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What kind of certification is available for interpreters?

The Washington State interpreter certifications are: Washington State Department of Social and Health Services - four types of screening for interpreters:
1) Medical Certification for primary languages: Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Cambodian, and Laotian,
2) Social Services for primary languages: Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Cambodian, and Laotian,
3) Medical Qualification credential for all other languages,
4) Social Services Qualification credential for all other languages.

WA State Certified Court Interpreter: The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) currently certifies language interpreters in Arabic, Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, Cantonese, Chuukese, French, Korean, Mandarin, Marshallese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Other standards are also set by AOC. For more information, and court standards for other languages, see:
RID Sign Language Interpreter: Please visit the following links: and

Texas Interpreters may be licensed for court interpreting in Teas via the following website:

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